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70 years ago, Albert Schweitzer said.
“The doctor of the future will be oneself.”
You are here because you have taken responsibility for your own health and are becoming more knowledgeable with each passing day.
You instinctively know that something is ‘wrong’ and you have lost faith in that which we refer to as, ‘The Healthcare System’.
Welcome my friends. Join me on a journey of learning how to avoid and reverse disease naturally. With each passing day, you will grow in confidence and learn how to minister the principles of health to others.
The true physician is, indeed, an educator, recognising their responsibility, not only to the sick, but to the wider community in which they live, family, friends and colleagues.
As a minister for healing, you will become a true guardian of health, teaching the right methods and encouraging life habits that will lead to vitality and joyful living.
Our current modern lifestyle is encouraging illness and disease, and it is time to embrace all that has been forgotten or hidden and pass this on to future generations.
Are you excited? I do hope so.
Now let us begin.
In the past, matters relating to health and nutrition were very different. A lot of our ancient knowledge appears to have been 'mislaid' or deliberately removed. When oil was discovered or starting to become utilised and researched, certain people discovered compounds that could be extracted from oil to form the basis of so-called medicines. John D Rockefeller at some point realised that oil extracts sold in the form of small pills and potions were immeasurably more profitable than oil products selling for a few cents a gallon. The Flexner report of 1910 heavily criticised the existing medical schools and training of doctors; as this report conveniently and eminently suited the ambitions of Rockefeller, shortly afterwards Rockefeller began to 'philanthropically' donate (translation = invest) vast sums of money into reforming medical schools. He had funded the University of Chicago to the tune of US$80 million by 1900 (1.2 billion today). He was influenced and advised by one Frederick Taylor Gates, a vaccine meddler, perhaps even a genocidal maniac who was heavily involved in the 1918 so-called Spanish flu epidemic, which did not come from Spain and had nothing to do with flu, it being derived from the mass experimental vaccination campaign. Frederick T gates is also purported to be the grandfather of Bill Gates, another vaccine meddler.
Thus pills, potions and poisons derived from oil became widely promoted and accepted by the general population seeking easy fix remedies, not unlike today, with little or no research on long-term studies into the adverse impacts and side-effects; also there were no independent peer reviewed comparison studies with the previous natural, homeopathic and plant-based remedies other than denigrating them with false articles and documentation.
Side-effects from oil based synthetic medicines were covered up or simply blamed on new diseases and variants and the situation arose of never-ending illness with convenient drug based remedies and the general public still believed in whatever was spouted by anyone in a white coat.The tentacles of infiltration and control continue to spread far and wide such that all doctors and nurses and indeed other health practitioners generally all have to be state registered with anyone who dares to speak out against the official narrative vilified, sacked, disgraced and censored. The same applies with all other remedies, protocols and therapeutics which are contrary to the official narrative yet which are far more efficacious and safer in most cases.
Such that to date, we are under constant attack from toxins in the air with chemtrails and atmospheric aerosols, water supply with fluoride, chlorine, graphene and many others, food with all manner of toxins such as pesticides, heavy metal contaminants, unnecessary additives and such as excess sugars, artificial sweeteners all designed to cause ill health, disease and long-term suffering. There are other vectors of attack from 5G weapons masquerading as telecoms, EMF emissions, RF waves, clothing, footwear, bedding and upholstery. and experience to bring you the best tips and advice. Whether you are looking for workout routines, skincare advice, or healthy recipes, we have got you covered.
Join our community and start living your best life!